Song of protest

Sorry C (and I do NOT refer to the Mexican beer with the same name), but this is how I feel about you…
Just one out of far too many million Corona prisoners in the world right now.
Corona Corona
(melody: Corrina Corrina, trad)

Corona Corona why do you stay so long
Corona Corona why do you stay so long
Ain’t had no loving, gal, since you came along

Corona Corona, you were gone last night
Corona Corona, you were gone last night
Came back early this this morning, you know it just ain’t right 

Corona Corona
Corona Corona
Corona Corona
I hate you so

Oh oh Corona, millionkiller across the sea
Oh oh Corona, millionkiller across the sea
Stay away from me babe, stay a million miles from me

Got a bird that whistles, got a bird that sings
Got a bird that whistles, got a bird that sings
But I also got Corona, life don’t mean a thing

Corona Corona
Corona Corona
Corona Corona
I hate you so

Corona Corona, killer flu on my mind
Corona Corona, killer flu on my mind
I’m a-thinking about you babe, just can’t keep from crying

Hate and shun Corona, tell the world I do
Hate and shun Corona, tell the world I do
I pray every night Corona will shun me too

Oh Corona stay away from my home
Oh Corona stay away from my home
I’m mighty tired of you babe, please leave me alone

Corona Corona
Corona Corona
Corona Corona
I hate you so

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